Hoarding Boards | Aluminium Composite | Cut Plastic Sheeting

Hoarding Boards

A hoarding board typically refers to a large temporary structure or barrier that is erected around a construction site or renovation project. The primary purpose of a hoarding board is to conceal the construction work, provide safety for pedestrians and nearby properties, and often to display information about the project. Hoarding boards help create a physical barrier between the construction site and the surrounding area, reducing the risk of accidents and keeping pedestrians and vehicles at a safe distance from construction activities. This also means that they help to deter unauthorized access to the construction site, preventing theft or vandalism of equipment and materials. Hoarding boards can be designed with attractive graphics, artwork, or advertisements to improve the appearance of the construction site and the surrounding area. Some graphics can include: 

  • Information Display: Exhibition display panels are used to convey essential information about products, services, or the content being exhibited. They may include text, images, diagrams, and multimedia elements to engage and inform attendees.
  • Branding: Companies and organizations use display panels to showcase their brand identity, logos, slogans, and marketing messages. These panels help create a consistent and recognisable brand presence at events.
  • Directional Signage: Display panels can serve as directional signage, guiding attendees through the exhibition space and highlighting key areas or attractions

Aluminium Composite Hoarding Boards

Hoarding boards are sometimes made from Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) due to several advantages it offers in the context of construction site barriers and signage. Here are some reasons why ACM is commonly used for hoarding boards:

  • Durability: ACM is a highly durable material that can withstand various weather conditions, including rain, snow, and UV exposure, without deteriorating. This durability ensures that hoarding boards made from ACM have a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  • Lightweight: Despite its durability, ACM is relatively lightweight, making it easier to transport, install, and handle on construction sites. This can be especially important when setting up large hoarding board structures.
  • Rigidity: ACM panels are rigid and provide structural stability, which is crucial for hoarding boards, as they need to withstand wind, potential impacts, and other external forces.
  • Customisability: ACM is highly customizable in terms of colour, design, and graphics. This makes it suitable for displaying project-related information, branding, or advertising while maintaining a professional and polished appearance.
  • Weather Resistance: ACM is resistant to moisture, which is essential for hoarding boards exposed to outdoor elements. It does not warp, rot, or corrode, ensuring that the information and graphics on the hoarding board remain intact and legible.
  • Fire Resistance: Many ACM panels are designed to be fire-resistant, which adds an extra layer of safety, especially in construction sites where fire hazards can be a concern.
  • Low Maintenance: Hoarding boards made from ACM typically require minimal maintenance, reducing ongoing costs and efforts associated with upkeep.
  • Eco-Friendly: ACM panels are often recyclable, making them an environmentally friendly choice for construction site hoarding, as they can be repurposed or recycled when no longer needed.